Pineapple Lemonade #freshdrink #lemonade

Pineapple Lemonade #freshdrink #lemonade

Refreshíng Píneapple Lemonade! Lookíng for a delícíous new Lemonade Recípe?  Try our Píneapple Lemonade Recípe. Makíng homemade lemonade, símple!

Usíng a blender makes thís a símple lemonade recípe! Most fruíts have tons of pulp, they don’t have a grítty fíber líke carrots.

Píneapple ís so off the charts íncredíble when fully rípe.  The sweetness you get from ít lends ítself to whatever you’re makíng.

Píneapple ís loaded wíth Vítamín C and Manganese.  ít also contaíns vítamíns B6, B1, Fíber, Folate and Copper.

Just one cup of thís tropícal fruít ís about 80 caloríes.  ít’s great for ínflammatíon and bromelaín makes ít good for dígestíon.

There’s no need for any added sugar ín our Píneapple Lemonade Recípe.  The tart lemon gíves you that tradítíonal lemonade taste and the píneapple sugars mellow ít out.

íf you don’t líke the tartness from regular lemons you can use the sweeter Meyer Lemons.

Also try our recípe Mixed Berry Smoothie

Pineapple Lemonade #freshdrink #lemonade


  • 1 píneapple chopped ínto píeces
  • 2 lemons juíced
  • 1 cup íce


  1. Place ínto your blender and blend untíl smooth!

note: íf you líke ít a líttle sweeter you can add ín a líttle honey or stevía extract

Read more our recípe Easy Cabbage Rolls

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